Stats FC

Terms of Service

We always try to be helpful, flexible and sensible when dealing with our customers. But we do have to define a few rules.

We don't like jargon or lots of small print, so we've set these out as simply as we can, so you know exactly where you stand.


  • You can cancel at any time.
  • There is no minimum term for any of our monthly subscription services.
  • Once you have cancelled, your account will remain active until the end of the current billing period.

Subscription charges

  • Subscription fees are paid up front for a selected number of months.


  • All refunds are entirely at our discretion.
  • We may offer service credit instead of cash, where applicable.

Terms of use

  • You must ensure we have up to date contact details for you.
  • Account details must not be shared (however, sharing within the same organisation is usually fine).
  • Login credentials (username and password) must be kept secure.
  • You must ensure you have the applicable license(s) (if required) to publish fixtures or fixture lists.
  • You must own the rights, or have permission to use any imagery being used in the Squad Selector.
  • You may not remove or hide the widget's attribution text.
  • Your key may only be used to provide widgets for the single domain you have against your account.


  • The API may be used on fan sites, fan blogs or similar fan focused sites.
  • The API is for non-commercial use only.
  • Sites, services or apps using the API or in some way based on it should include the visible message: "Football Data Powered by".

Service level agreement

  • We accept no responsibility for losses incurred due to unavailability of services or loss of data.
  • We may issue refunds due to loss of service, at our discretion.

General terms

  • We reserve the right to terminate the account(s) of any customer deemed to be in violation of the terms set out in this document.
  • By using our services, you agree to be bound by these terms.
  • These terms are subject to change.
  • We accept no responsibility for any losses incurred through the use or termination of services provided by Stats FC.

These terms apply to our standard subscription services for Stats FC.